If you’ve ever seriously injured yourself, then you know what will often happen when you go to the doctor: they will probably prescribe surgery. Surgery can have great results, but it can also be costly. It’s not a natural solution, either, and due to its invasive nature can have complications and side effects. We at Mattos Medical Group offer the Tampa community an alternative to surgery through stem cell therapy and other more natural, more affordable treatments. Discover more about our services today.


What Is PRP Treatment?

In addition to our standard stem cell therapy, we offer other treatments, such as PRP treatment. You may be asking, “what is PRP treatment?” and if so, it’s not a big surprise. PRP treatment is not the most common sort of treatment, and many people haven’t heard of it. PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, was designed to allow patients to produce growth factors that stimulate cellular growth in accelerated rates. Plasma is the liquid aspect of the blood, carrying red and white blood cells. It mainly contains water, but also contains proteins, glucose, nutrients, and antibodies. Platelets secrete the various growth factors involved in all division, healing, and tissue regeneration. Platelets can also help to prevent excessive bleeding through blood clotting. PRP injections, then, provide a concentrated dosage of the elements found in plasma and platelets that are required to promote tissue repair. 


How It Works

PRP treatment involves isolating a single element of the blood for injection into the site of an injury. This convenient procedure can be done in half an hour at a doctor’s office. During this time, the blood is drawn from the patient, spun in a centrifuge, and injected into the injury. The centrifuge separates the blood cells so that plasma and platelets can be drawn out. The PRP injection itself takes place once this has occurred. There are doctors who may use an activating agent in addition to the injection, which simply improves the treatment’s performance. 


The Benefits Of PRP Injection

There are several benefits to this type of treatment. It is capable of treating several injuries, such as elbow tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, acute muscle tears, and other similar injuries. As said before, this is also the more natural solution. Rather than using invasive tools, this treatment utilizes the body’s natural fluids and functions to repair the body. Because many of these occur in athletic instances, it is more common to find this treatment in sports therapy treatment centers and clinics. However, we at Matthos Medical Group, offer very affordable treatment, which is certainly a more viable option for many people than surgery. We have highly experienced and well-trained doctors on our staff who are very well-adapted to serve patients with a variety of needs. 


Contact Us

The Tampa community has benefited immensely from our services and treatments, so please contact us today! If you’re still asking yourself, “what is PRP treatment,” feel free to call us to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you!


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