Has it been a long time since you’ve seen your primary care doctor? Here at Mattos Medical Group, we want to encourage you to see your primary doctor at least once a year. A lot of research has shown a significant decrease in people seeing their primary doctors throughout the years because they simply feel like they do not need to see them. However, other research shows the potential determinants that you might face if you don’t see your primary doctor at least once a year. We want your health to be in check which is why we provide as much information as possible regarding the importance of seeing your primary doctor. There are benefits to seeing your doctor like you would not believe and we want you to be fully informed about these benefits the next time you think about skipping out on seeing the doctor. You don’t have to search for functional medicine near me when you can see a primary doctor who you can grow a relationship with and who knows your health history well. Listen to our advice because we give the best in Tampa!


Research On Primary Care Doctors

You are probably looking for more information about why seeing a primary doctor is so important. Instead of searching for functional medicine near me, take our advice and put your health first. One key point that research shows are that people are not seeing their primary doctors as often because they tend to go to specialists more often. For example, if you are experiencing allergies, you are likely to go to an allergist instead of your primary doctor. Consequently, if you are having heart troubles you will probably go to a cardiologist instead of your primary doctor. Even though specialists seem like the best course of action with any health concerns you are experiencing, other research shows that those who regularly see their primary doctors are less prone to premature death. This is because they are constantly checking their health and not waiting for something drastic to happen that then requires a specialist. Primary doctors can often keep track of their health before anything further happens.


Better Safe Than Sorry

There is no need to search for functional medicine near me when you can easily set up an appointment with your primary doctor. We find that many people don’t even have one because they truly don’t believe that they need one when there are so many specialists out there. The truth is, your primary doctor can prevent so many drastic health issues from occurring if you see them regularly. So it’s always better to be safe than it is to be sorry. 


We Care About Your Health

The main reason we want you to take our advice into account is that we care about your health overall. We have witnessed many people face extreme problems with their health due to not checking in with their primary doctors soon enough. These doctors are here for a reason, and even though they are not specialists, they can pinpoint any potential health concerns that you should keep an eye on. 


Contact Us

Mattos Medical Group is a team of professionals who care about your health. That is why we recommend seeing your primary care doctor regularly so you can remain as healthy as possible. Call or visit us in Tampa today for more information about the importance of seeing a primary doctor. 


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