There are many misconceptions about joint health, and one common misconception is about arthritis. Arthritis isn’t a specific disease or a condition that can only affect older populations. The word “arthritis” actually is a generic term that can describe any kind of joint pain, injury, or disease. The Arthritis Foundation states that there are over a hundred different kinds of arthritis and conditions that are related. This disease can affect anybody, and the root cause is typically disease or injury. A 23 year-old football player in top physical shape can suffer a game time fall that causes a traumatic blow to their elbow, resulting in arthritis later on. While arthritis can’t be cured, there’s still time to prevent permanent joint damage and reduce the toll it takes on your joints. Read on to learn more about getting proactive about joint health and some more common misconceptions surrounding arthritis. Call Mattos Medical Group in Tampa for an appointment today!


Things To Know About Joint Health


What causes permanent joint damage- It’s difficult to solve a problem without getting to its root cause. Understanding what causes arthritis is tricky, however, particularly since it takes shape in so many ways. Osteoarthritis, for example, is due to cartilage tissue being worn away through wear and tear. Cartilage is needed by our joints as a shock absorber for your bones. A lack of cartilage limits mobility and causes pain in the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis lies on the other end of the spectrum, and is an autoimmune disease that attacks joint tissue. This kind of joint damage is not completely percentage, unfortunately. The most common joint issues for active, healthy adults can typically be mitigated. Inflammation is a key culprit linking joint strains, bursitis, cartilage deterioration, and other conditions. 


Being Proactive


An inflamed joint is an angry joint. To put things simply, it’s important to aim for non-inflamed happy joints if you’re trying to prevent arthritis and permanent joint damage. So what exactly does “happy” mean in this context? Exercise is key in keeping your joints healthy. Just like with the rest of your body, joints have to be strong, so exercise them regularly. It’s not true that you should avoid exercise in order to protect your joints. Even if you favor high impact workouts like running, there’s usually no need to stop. If you’re recovering from an injury or healing from a disease, then you probably should stick to a low or no-impact alternative activity. Simply be mindful of your joints and exercise accordingly. Diet is also key to joint health. Drinking alcohol in moderation, avoiding sugary or high-sodium foods, and eating a balanced diet are all great for lowering inflammation in your joints.


Contact Us Today

If you’re suffering from joint pain, then it’s important to visit a doctor right away. The sooner you start caring for an injury, the better the outcome when it comes to minimizing or preventing permanent damage to your joints. Besides trauma or injury, if you’re feeling joint stiffness on a regular basis, ongoing acute pain, or a lack of mobility, make an appointment with Mattos Medical Group at our Tampa offices today!

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