Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a severe autoimmune disorder that often results in serious joints inflammation. If you stay in Tampa and have been battling with Rheumatoid arthritis, don’t give up yet, there is a solution in sight. First, we will need to identify the pain symptoms that often accompany Rheumatoid arthritis, and then we will explore the possible solution for this chronic disorder. 

Pain symptoms for Rheumatoid Arthritis


  • Fatigue


When Rheumatoid arthritis starts to set in, one of the first symptoms you will notice is fatigue. You tend to become tired even when you have not done much. This symptom may fluctuate at the start and might also result in depression. 


  • Joint stiffness


You may start to experience stiffness on some of your joints. This stiffness can be experienced at any point of the day, irrespective of you being active or not. You may at first experience the stiffness on the joints in hand, and then later on other joints. The effect may last for a few days in most cases. 


  • Morning stiffness


This is one early sign of Rheumatoid arthritis. It often occurs for a few minutes and tends to last longer as the condition worsens. It usually occurs after resting or sitting. 


  • Joint Pain


Whether you are resting or using the joints, you tend to experience sharp and severe pain. It often surfaces on the finger, wrists, ankles, shoulder, and on the feet. Seeking the best stem cell therapy near me might be the best option at this point. 


  • Minor joint swelling


During the early stage, your joints might begin to swell, increasing their size. This swelling may remain for an extended period and can repeat a couple of times during the week. 


  • Fever


The pain eventually leads to a low-grade fever. This is a severe symptom of Rheumatoid arthritis. 


  • Numbness and tingling


Swelling experienced often result in pressure on your nerves. This results in tingling or numbness of the affected joints, especially your hands. When the damaged cartilage moves against the joint, it often creates a crackling noise. 


  • Restricted Motion


Deformation of the tendons and ligament is very likely when your joint starts to swell. As the condition deteriorates, you will find it hard to bend or straighten the affected joints. Eventually, your movement will be restricted. With the help of stem cell therapy near me, you may be able to move again. 


  • Weight Loss


Due to restriction in movement and possible feelings on depression, you may start to experience significant weight loss. This may be accompanied by severe loss of appetite. 

Turn to Stem Cell Therapy

When you start to notice these symptoms, it is best to visit the best stem cell therapy near me. Stem cells provide a better alternative to surgeries. This is a natural solution that can also help you treat other diseases like lupus, severe joint pain, etc. 

Who Can Help? 

At Mattos Medical Group, we have very experienced doctors that offer affordable stem cell therapy services. We are here to help you deal with Rheumatoid arthritis. 

Contact Us

If you are in Tampa, and experiencing these pain symptoms, contact us today and let us help you effectively deal with Rheumatoid arthritis. 

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