You’ve already gone through all of the conservative treatments for your knee osteoarthritis, and nothing is working so far. Knee replacement surgery is your absolute last resort, as you don’t want to deal with the long recovery time, pain, and limited mobility that may be a result. What else can you try? You may want to think about hyaluronic acid injections for your knee osteoarthritis (OA). Many of our patients have reported relief from their arthritis pain with the shots, and we continue to get good results. Read on to learn more about hyaluronic acid injections for knee pain and whether or not a hyaluronic acid injection for knee pain is right for you. Mattos Medical Group offers stem cell therapy Tampa residents trust. Call Mattos Medical Group to find out more or schedule an appointment today!


What Is A Hyaluronic Acid Injection For Knee Pain?


Hyaluronic acid, otherwise known as hyaluronan, is a gel-like substance that naturally occurs in the synovial fluid which lubricates your joints. Since arthritis patients lose this substance as their joint wears away, the theory is that replacing hyaluronic acid in the joint through a process called viscosupplementation would make the joint less painful. The injections are FDA-approved to treat knee osteoarthritis. While it is still awaiting further research, these injections are thought to at least temporarily increase the viscosity, or thickness, of the fluid that surrounds the joint that it is injected into, which may lessen pain and improve joint mobility. Generally arthritis patients would try other conservative treatments first, such as weight loss, exercise, NSAID medications, and steroid injections. If these don’t improve their condition, then hyaluronic injections may be an option. 


We Offer Stem Cell Therapy Tampa Residents Trust


So is it worth it to get hyaluronic acid shots in order to delay a knee replacement? Typically hyaluronic acid injections can be a last-ditch effort before going down the road of knee replacement surgery. Hyaluronic acid injections can be a non-invasive option for those who are opting out of surgery, and can help to alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis in order to make the disease more manageable. The process is very straightforward- it is directly injected into the affected knee joint, specifically within the synovial fluid that bathes the joint. Just like with any injection, it may seem more painful to certain people than others, but it shouldn’t be very painful since a sharp needle is used and the joint may be first treated with a local anesthetic. The results typically last six months, and the injections may be repeated every six months or so based on the judgement of your physician. It is a very low risk treatment, with possible side effects being pain, swelling, heat, redness, and/or fluid build-up around the knee initially.


Contact Us Today


Getting a hyaluronic acid injection for knee pain can help to alleviate pain from osteoarthritis. Many of our patients report positive results and minimal side effects, making hyaluronic acid injections a viable option for helping with knee pain. Mattos Medical Group provides stem cell therapy Tampa residents trust. Call Mattos Medical Group to find out more or to schedule an appointment today!

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