The bio-identical hormones we use at Mattos Medical Group are plant-based compounds specifically formulated to match the molecular structure of human hormones. Synthetics, however, are engineered not to match in order to be patented.

The pellets are compounded according to the highest industry standards using the best quality botanical ingredients available. They are derived from a natural plant source of soy and other plant-based ingredients. No horse urine. No fillers. Just pure, natural, biologically identical hormones – plain and simple.


 who believe they are going through the proverbial midlife crisis, doctors and researchers say they may actually be experiencing something very different–the male version of menopause known as andropause. Occurring by the time a man reaches his 40s to mid-50s, andropause is the result of a gradual drop in the hormone levels including testosterone.  Symptoms manifest themselves in a number of ways with everything from emotional, psychological and behavioral changes to loss of energy, decreased stamina and sexual dysfunction.

Although a decline in hormone levels will occur in virtually all men with age, there is no way of predicting who will experience andropause symptoms of sufficient severity to seek medical help.  That is why it is important to know that low testosterone levels can impact a man’s quality of life and may expose him to more significant health problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis and stroke.


  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Irritability
  • Mood Swings
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Low Libido/Energy
  • Memory Loss
  • Insomnia
  • Weight Gain


  • Loss of Energy
  • Increase in Body Fat
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Loss of Libido
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Depression


  • Reduce the symptoms brought on by menopause and andropause
  • Facilitation of weight loss
  • Increased lean muscle mass/decreased body fat
  • Increased libido and sexual performance
  • Increased skin elasticity/fewer wrinkles
  • Improved memory and mental faculty
  • Higher energy level with greater stamina
  • Better sleep

Why Bio-Identical Pellet Therapy?

Because it’s easy! As a hormone replacement therapy patient, you receive three to four bio-identical hormone pellet insertions per year. This way you don’t have to think about it, and the hormone is available when your body needs it. It’s a simple, one-and-done process, and there’s no need to worry about remembering to take a pill every day. Feel better no matter your age. Our bio-identical hormones will help you avoid the adverse side effects of synthetic hormones.

Pellet Implants: Safe, Effective, Convenient BHRT

When properly administered, the pellet delivery system provides safe and effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. In fact, it remains the only form of delivery that closely mirrors what the human ovary and testicle do. This method ensures the same steady, around-the-clock, low dosages the body once created. You won’t have to change patches, run on creams, or remember to take a pill. And you won’t experience the radical surges and drops in blood levels as with other methods. Pellet implants even deliver more when the body needs it – like during exercise or periods of stress.


How do I get started?

Easy. First schedule an appointment with our staff. You can then either choose to have our hormone blood levels tested in our office or at a local lab. 

On the day of your appointment, the doctor will discuss the results of your blood tests with you and prescribe the right amount of hormone for your unique needs. The pellet insertion procedure is then performed.

What is the procedure like?

The small hormone pellets are slipped painlessly under the skin, typically in the hip. A mild, local anesthetic is used and the procedure takes less than five minutes. Once the pellets are inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormone flows directly into the bloodstream whenever the body needs it. Repeat treatments involve a brief visit to a few times per year. That’s it! 

Our Services

If you are interested in our services, feel free to call us at 813-871-2950 for your preliminary consultation.

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